保罗·高更(Paul Gauguin,1848-1903)法国后印象派画家、雕塑家,与梵高、塞尚并称为后印象派三大巨匠,对现当代绘画的发展有着非常深远的影响。
1897年2月,高更完成了创作生涯中最大的一幅油画: "我们从哪里来?我们是谁?我们往哪里去?"。这幅画,用他的话来说,"其意义远远超过所有以前的作品;我再也画不出更好的有同样价值的画来了。在我临终以前我已把自己的全部精力都投人这幅画中了。
这里有多少我在种种可怕的环境中所体验过的悲伤之情,这里我的眼睛看得多么真切而且未经校正,以致一切轻率仓促的痕迹荡然无存,它们看见的就是生活本身……整整一个月,我一直处在一种难以形容的癫狂状态之中,昼夜不停地画着这幅画……尽管它有中间调子,但整个风景完全是稳定的蓝色和韦罗内塞式的绿色。所有的裸体都以鲜艳的橙黄色突出在风景前面。" 在恶劣的环境中,以痛苦的热情和清晰的幻觉来描绘,因此画面看起来毫无急躁的迹象,反而洋溢着生气。没有模特儿,没有画技,没有一般所谓的绘画规则。" 画面色彩单纯而富神秘气息,平面手法使之富有东方的装饰性与浪漫色彩。在斑驳绚丽、如梦如幻的画面中,暗寓着画家哲理性的对生命意义的追问。
Sooner or later people will learn to recognize your worth.看高更那蔑视众生的眼神和混搭西服配开衩下装,与其说他厌世,不如说他根本不屑于这浮世对艺术创作的禁锢。高更死后,作品渐渐被人们认可与赏识,他所为大众欣赏的更多是通过大胆色彩表现出的现实批判与艺术抽象的完美结合,以及作品给人带来的不羁却纯粹,奇幻却真实的强烈视觉冲击与内心感受。…solitude is not to be recommended to everyone, for you have to be strong in order to bear it and act alone.I’d like to write the way I do my paintings, that is, as fantasy takes me, as the moon dictates.Night is here. All is at rest. My eyes close in order to see without actually understanding the dream that flees before men infinite space; and I experience the languorous sensation produced by the mournful procession of my hopes.Art is either revolution or plagiarism.Do what you like, so long as it is intelligent.I findeverythingpoetic, and it’s in the corners of my heart which are sometimes mysterious that I catch a glimpse of poetry…
I feel a sensation that leads meinto a poetic state…
In the forest Saint Cloud II
In the forest Saint Cloud
The Forest Path
Working the landI shut my eyes in order to see.
Cail Factories and Quai of Grenelle
Chicken Coop
Landscape with Poplars
Mette asleep on a sofa
Pears and grapes
Port de Grenelle
The Seine at the Pont d'Iena
The Seine in Paris
The Seine opposite the wharf de passy
The Seine, Pont d'Iena, Snowing
Bouquet of Peonies on a Musical Score
China Asters, Hat and Book
Daisies and peonies in blue vase
Man with a Toque
Port de Javel
Still life with oysters
Still life with red mullet and jug
Autumn Landscape (Farm and pond)
Portrait of a child (Aline Gauguin)
Portrait of Claude Antoine Charles Favre
Portrait of Ingeborg Thaulow
The embroiderer or Mette Gauguin
Apple-Trees in Blossom
Geese on the farm
Riverside (Breton landscape)
Snow at Vaugirard
The market gardens of Vaugirard
Vaugirard church
Winter Landscape
Clay jug and irin mug
Flowers and carpet (Pansies)
Houses at Vaugirard
Mandolin on a chair
Still life with fruit plate
To Make a BouquetStudy of a Nude, Suzanne Sewing高更在1881年的“独立派”画家展览会上展出了一幅完全独创一格的画“裸体习作”。一位评论家写道:“这幅画显示着一个当代画家无可争辩气质。在当代所有画过裸体的画家中间,还没有一个能够如此有力地表现生活的…栩栩如生…这整个身体,这耷拉在腿股部的略微隆起的腹部,多么形象的结构是符合毕沙罗的印象主义明暗观念的。但它具有明显的现实主义的腔调(譬如人体的皱纹、背部的变形),带有更剧烈的明暗调子的对比;还可看到不甚高明的素描带有不合比例之处。这些不合常规的表现,一方面说明了高更的现实主义倾向,但另一方面也妨碍了整体的统一。裸体是玫瑰红和绿色,有深蓝色的阴影;内衣是粉红色和天蓝色;人体右边的衬布是绿色和蓝色;头发是蓝黑色;墙是紫色;墙上挂着的吉它是黑色和黄色;壁毯是黄白色及蓝色和红色的条纹。吉它和壁毯的质感表现得很完美;其余的东西则表现得不甚确切。色彩很大胆,也很强烈,但在细节上比在整体上成功。总之,这件作品的作者是一位不大考虑到调子的大胆的色彩家,一位对自己的纲领缺乏信心的素描家,一位没有很大活力的、争辩多于灵感的
Banks of the Oise
Corner of the garden rue Carsal
Flowers and carpet
Interior of the Painter’s House, rue Carcel
Party wall
Pissarro’s Garden, Pontoise
Pond with Ducks (Girl Amusing Herself)
River bank in winter
Still life with Oranges
Still life. Vase with flowers on the window
The Queen’s Mill
Young Girl Dreaming (Study of a Child Asleep)
Bouquet of Sunflowers
At the Window
Aube the Sculptor and His Son
Blue Barge
Bouquet of flowers
Flowers and Japanese book
Gratte roosters path
Mountain landscape
Quarries at Pontoise
Aline Gauguin and one of her brothers
Double portrait of a young girl (Mademoiselle Lafuite)
Farm in Osny
Garden In Rue Carcel
Harbour Scene, Dieppe
Ingeborg Thaulow
Mandolina and Flowers
Osny, rue de Pontoise, Winter
Quarry hole in the cliff想起在巴比松画派(Barbizon School)影向下毕沙
Stream in Osny
Street in Osny
The farm in Grue
The garden in winter, rue Carcel
Tomatoes and a pewter tankard on a table
Village street, Osny
A Henhouse
Abandoned garden in Rouen
An Orchard under the Church of Bihorel
Basket of flowers
Blue roofs of Rouen
Bust of a Nude Girl
Clovis Gauguin asleep
Landscape near Onsy
Mette Gauguin in an Evening Dress
Nasturtiums & dahlias in a basket
Near Rouen
Normandy Landscape-Cow in a Meadow
Notre Dame des Agnes
Orchard under the Church of Bihorel (Children in the Pasture)
Osny, the gate of Busagny farm
Portrait of a seated man
Portrait of Aline
Portrait of Isidore Gauguin
Returning from the harvest (Manuring)
Rouen at spring
Rouen suburb
Rue Jouvenet, Rouen
Skaters in Fredericksberg park
Street in Rouen
Sunken Lane
The artist’s children
The cliffs of Le-Bouille
The Port Of Rouen
The road up
The Square Pong
Two Cows in the Meadow
Vase of Peonies
Wooded Path
Young Woman Lying in a Grass
Paul Gauguin and wife Mette, Copenhagen
Bare Trees
Bathing, Dieppe
Boy by the Water
By the Stream, Autumn
Cattle Drinking
Cliff near Dieppe
Dahlias in a copper vase
Donkey by Lane
Evening Primroses in the Vase
Flower and a Bird
Geese in the meadow
Haymaking near Dieppe
Horse and Cow in a Meadow
Landscape with cows in an Orchard
Lilac bouquet
Oestervold Park, Copenhagen
Pere Jean’s Path
Portrait of Achille Granchi Taylor
Portrait of Philibert Favre
Red roof by the water
Self Portrait
Stabble near Dieppe
Still Life of Onions and Pigeons and Room Interior in Copenhagen
Still Life with a Mandolin
Still life with carafe and ceramic figure
The Forest Edge
Two vases of flowers and a fan
Watering Place
White House
Winter’s End
Women bathing (Dieppe)
Bathing in Front of the Port of Pont-Aven
Bathing Place
Bordeaux Harbour
Breton Woman
Coastal Landscape
Cows on the Seashore
Farm in Brittany
Fire by the Water
Four Breton Women
Fruit in a Bowl
Landscape at Pont-Aven
Lollichon Field
Lollichon’s Field and the Church of Pont-Aven
Pont-Aven woman and child
Pots and Boquets
Red Hat
Rocks and Sea
Schooner and three masters
Stabble near Dieppe
Still Life with Cherries
Still life with horse’s head
Still Life with Profile of Laval
Still life with white bowl
Suburb under snow
La Belle Angele
The boss’s daughter
The vase of nasturtiums
Vase of Flowers
Washerwomen at Pont-Aven
A Litter Washerman
A Seashore
Around the Huts
At the Pond
Coastal Landscape from Martinique
Huts under Trees
Madame Alexandre Kohler
Mango pickers (Martinique)
Martinique Landscape
Meadow in Martinique
Palm trees on Martinique
Still life with mangoes and hibiscus
Tropical Conversation
Tropical Landscape, Martinique
Two Girls Bathing
Breton Woman and Goose by the Water
A little cat
Apples in bowl
Aven running through Pont-Aven
Blue Trees
Bouquet of Flowers with a Window Open to the Sea (Reverse of Hay-Making in Brittany)
Breton Boy by the Aven River
Breton Boys Wrestling
Breton Fisherman
Breton girls dancing
Breton Woman with a Pitcher
Breton Women at the Turn
Captain Jacob
Cottages on Mount Sainte Marguerite
Cove opposite Pont-Aven Harbor
tude pour La Ronde des petites Bretonnes
Fisherman and bathers on the Aven
Grape Harvest at Arles
Haymaking in Brittany
Head of a Breton (Marie Louarn)
In the Heat (The Pigs)
Kneeling cow
Landscape at Arles
Landscape near Arles
Landscape of Brittany
Landscape with geese
Lane at alchamps, Arles
Laveuses à Arles
Les Alyscamps
Little breton bather
Madame Roulin
Mas, near Arles
Meadow at the banks of Aven
Night Cafe, Arles
Self-Portrait with Portrait of Gauguin, Emile Bernard
Still-Life with Three Puppies
The Painter of Sunflowers (Portrait of Vincent van Gogh)
The Wave
the swineherd brittany一片片颜色是像景泰蓝(Cloisons)那样平面分布的
The Vision After The Sermon (Jacob Wrestling With The Angel)综合主义(Synthetism)。高更的这种风格后来还
Washerwomen At Roubine Du Roi
Self-portrait with Halo
At the Beach
At the Black Rocks
Beach at Le Pouldu
Bonjour Monsieur Gauguin
Breton Eve
Breton Women
Human Misery, from the Volpini Suite
In the waves (Odine)
Jeune Bretonne au bord de la mer
Pleasures of Brittany
Portrait of Meijer de Haan by Lamplight
Seated Breton Girl
Self Portrait as “Christ on the Mount of Olives”
The Flageolet Player On The Cliff
The Green Christ or The Calvary
The Ham
The milkmaid
Madame la Mort
Meules de foin en Bretagne
Nirvana (also known as Portrait of Meyer de Hasn)
Portraits of Paul and Jean Schuffenecker
Landscape with Black Pigs and a Crouching Tahitian
atelier schuffenecker
Faaturuma (Mélancolie)
Orana Maria
portrait of suzanne bambridge
Road in Tahiti
Tahitian Women on the Beach
Te vahine fa'atūruma (La Boudeuse)
The Loss of Virginity (The Awakening of Spring)
The Man with an Axe
Tiare Farani (Flowers of France)
Vahine no te tiare (Woman with a Flower)
Young Man with a Flower Behind His Ear
The Sacred Mountain (Parahi Te Marae)
Are You Jealous?(Aha Oe Feii)
la siesta
Landscape with Blue Trees
Landscape with Peacocks现在,当我要回去,已经比刚来时更野蛮,但是,也变
Mata mua - In Olden Times
Nafea Faa Ipoipo (When Will You Marry?)
Parau na te Varua ino (Words of the Devil)
Tahitian women under the palms
Te aa no Areois (The seed of the Areoi)
The morning
Woman with a Mango
sprit of the dead
Women at the Riverside
Gauguin, Mucha, & friends at Rue de la Grande Chaumière, Paris
Among The Lillies
Illustration in the Noa-Noa Album, Tahiti
Noa Noa Suite-Delightful Land
Portrait of Louis Roy
Self Portrait with Palette
Self Portrait
Self-Portrait in a Hat
Tahitian mountains
Tahitian Pastorals
Te Atua (The Gods)
Tehamana Has Many Parents (The Ancestors Of Tehamana)
Breton Peasant Women (‘Paysannes bretonnes’)
Christmas Night (The Blessing of the Oxen)
Farm In Brittany
Flowers In A Fruit Bowl
Landscape in Brittany - The David Mill
Lying Girl Afraid of Spirits of the Dead
Mahana no Atua (Day of the Gods, Jour de Dieu)
Paris in the Snow
Sacred Spring
The Guitar Player
Upaupa Schneklud (The Player Schneklud)
The Child
Canoe and Tahitian Family
No te aha oe Riri
Portrait Of A Young Woman, Vaite (Jeanne) Goupil
Savage Poems
scene from tahitian life
Self Portrait (Place of the Skull)
self portrait
Still Life With Teapot And Fruits
Te Arii Vahine (The King’s Wife)
Te tamari no atua (The birth of a Christ)
Trois Tahitiennes, Paul Gauguin
Vase Of Flowers
Where Do We Come From?What Are We?Where Are We Going?1897年2月,高更完成了创作生涯中最大的一幅油画
Nevermore (O Taiti)
Bathers at Tahiti
The White Horse
Two Tahitian Women
Three Tahitian Women Against a Yellow Background
three tahitians
Tahitian Woman with Evil Spirit